Volatile Solubilities in Magmas – J. Lowenstern

Volatile Solubilities in Magmas – J. Lowenstern

The video provides a short introduction to magmatic volatiles and the basic chemical and petrological factors that control their solubility. Besides the two most common volatile species, water and carbon dioxide, the video discusses noble gases, sulfur, and chlorine. The viewer is introduced to solubility plots, basic terminology, Henry’s Law, distribution coefficients, and other ideas that allow one to understand the role of temperature, pressure, and magma composition on volatile solubility. Solubility is considered relative to saturation with gas, liquids (e.g., some sulfides), and crystals. The tutorial also seeks to place the systematics of volatile solubility in the context of volcano monitoring and outgassing. 

Acknowledgments: Author: Jacob B. Lowenstern PhD, Director, Volcano Disaster Assistance Program U.S. Geological Survey, Vancouver, USA Edited by: Andrea Luca Rizzo, INGV, Section Palermo, Italy; Reviewed by: Paul Wallace, University of Oregon, USA

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