e-Volcano – Taal Panorama

Author Guidelines

Author Guidelines

Authors are requested to follow the below requirements when producing the presentation and video. By submitting the video, authors acknowledge that their presentation is original and inclusive.

  1. Video Type

Videos can be submitted in different forms:

  • MOOC style video; recorded at University or equivalent studio
  • Video recording using:

or equivalent style videos; recorded in room with own computer.

Accepted formats:

  • .MOV
  • .MPEG (MPEG-4, MPEG-2, MPEG-1, .MPEG, .MPG)
  • .WMV
  • .AVI
  1. Video Length
  • Invited video lectures: 20 – 30 min maximum
  • Proposed short videos should range from 2-10min.
  1. Video Language

Default language for the Presentation slides and Recording is in English

  1. Video and Presentation Quality
  • ensure a state-of-the-art review of the topic
  • include all different schools of thought (be as inclusive as possible)
  • include latest developments in the field
  1. Technical Requirements – Video and Presentation
  • ensure highest quality for graphs, figures and tables
  • single recording (no other person present)
  • use highest resolution possible, maximum size about 1GB
  • ensure a quiet and neutral environment when recording
  • ensure the audio is at its best possible setting (use microphone if needed)
  • ensure lecture slides as well as video frame of yourself is visible
  • try recording slide by slide so repetitions and revisions can be made on one slide only rather than recording a whole presentation again
  1. Subtitles

Not mandatory but can be activated. Some programs, such as Microsoft Power Point and Zoom, do offer subtitled videos.

  1. Copyright

Please ensure you get the copyright for any third-party pictures, tables, and videos, if not under open access/creative commons license. There are many pictures and videos available online and free to use on diverse platforms (e.g. Shutterstock, Pixabel, Videvo). If there are any copyright issues the authors can consider redrawing graphs and figures, also for example using your own data.

  1. Ethics Statement

If using interviews or video footage of people in your submission, please ensure you have included all ethical approval statements.

  1. Supplementary Material

Please ensure you complete the form ‘Supplementary Material’ to have all information ready to be posted on the webpage and as additional files to download. In short it is the following information:

  • Title
  • Author(s) and Affiliation(s)
  • Short Abstract (200 words)
  • Keywords (up to 5)
  • Sections (list of the sections mentioned in the presentation, including the time when respective section starts in video)
  • Acknowledgements and Funding Sources)
  • References (provide a full reference list for your presentation. Additional references to provide readers and listeners with a full overview of the latest research are welcomed)
  • Ethics Statement
  • if needed: Additional Material (any files/exercises/tables that are instrumental for the presentation)